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mikey4444 | 18:32 Thu 20th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
What famous British boxing champion enlisted in the US Marines ?


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First prize is awarded to ......Pete65 !

I was just doing some research into the films of Roman Polanski and come across this factoid.

Actually, I remember seeing his film " Dance of the Vampires" and it was very funny !...recommend it to anyone. It has Alfie Bass in it as well, as a Jewish Vampire. One of my favourite lines is where Bass is about to strike down on a girls neck but she raises a crucifix at him.

" Oy Vey...have you got the wrong Vampire" he replies !
Despite a relatively short boxing career, Downes managed to accomplish a great ... in the profession, comprising 16 wins and 3 defeats, Downes won the British ... to the United States as a teenager Downes served in the US Marine Corps

I thought the reply was "Have I ever got news for you!"

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