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Next Of Kin

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nailit | 21:13 Sun 23rd Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
is there any legal requirement to provide next of kin?
Have had to complete a number of forms recently, all of which asked for next of kin, (inc. address, phone no etc) . i really dont want to give this info.


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no, but you might want to consider why they are asking
Forms often ask for next of kin because they want to know who they'd contact in an emergency - it happens in all walks of life. Kin doesn't have to be family these days, it can be anyone you'd want them to contact in a crisis. Ours at work is who they'd phone if eg we had an accident at work, or similar.
I routinely give the name of the person I want to be called in an emergency and call him a cousin
Ditto Peter P. An RNLI colleague is my "brother" is my emergency contact and vice versa.

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