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What's This 'black Friday' You Hear People Talking About?

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sandyRoe | 15:14 Mon 24th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
It sounds almost apocalyptic.


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Super-hype by lots of retailers trying to part you from your cash.....nothing more.
The fridayday after Thanksgiving in USA which in recent years indicates the start of the Christmas Shopping season -shops stay open late and have sales etc.
It's an American tradition, the day after Thanksgiving. I think I read somewhere that Amazon were the first to "introduce" it here.
Amazon are running it all week. It's just a ploy to get your cash in return for items you don't really need or want or will ever use., but.. hey, it's a bargain so...
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Like that box of Christmas crackers I bought last year ☺
Oh Sandy, I'll pull your cracker any time !
It sounds a reasonable thing to me so long as you check what it is you are frittering away Xmas budget on. It's a non-optional social convention after all. May as well try to make it as inexpensive as possible. The receiver probably doesn't want anything anyway.
The "Black" in Black Friday comes from many retailers say that being in the "Red" or being in the "Black" for the year is dependant on their sales on the Friday after our Thanksgiving (11/27, this year).

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