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I Am Seeing Avatars But No Names !

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mikey4444 | 07:30 Fri 28th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Is my PC going mad ? I am seeing avatars this morning but no names underneath ?


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Have you tried refreshing the page ?
it's Ed idea of a guessing game.
Who is posting these comments ?
Was happening to me the other day. Then I had random letters showing but not the full name.
Reboot did the trick.
All good today.
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I have tried loading the page again but its still the same. I am using CHROME, so I will now try Firefox.

OK on Firefox, so it looks like a CHROME/AB problem. It was OK yesterday evening though !
Question Author
Now its OK ! As Alice used to say, curiouser and curiouser !
It was happening to me yesterday. I just closed AB and opened it again and they came back.
p rf tly f ne on my C
L l
It's because it's Black Friday
Question Author
I knew there was an answer !
It's a warning from above, Mikey.....don't do anything dangerous today.... especially involving sharp instruments....☻
"As Alice used to say, curiouser and curiouser"

Where did I say that?
It was AB's annual masquerade. Maybe I should have told people about it?
No you shouldn't, Ed......keep us confused and know you like it.....☻

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I Am Seeing Avatars But No Names !

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