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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:10 Sun 30th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
138 Answers
Sunday. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun. Silly season almost upon us again. Roll on January I say. Bah. Humbug and all that stuff. :o}

10°C outside, Tiggy is wondering what's gong on I reckon. He'll be having a short nap rather than hibernating.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Now there's thought minty! :o}

fog is getting thicker by the minute.
oh is geting picked up soon to go to a big outdoor market with a friend this morning,he buys silly amounts of dog food and needs a hand humphing it to I will have to go get the bacon rolls on ! see you all later xx
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Have a happy day minty. xxxxx

I'm going to make a move too. Have a happy day everyone.
bye minty. woof, woof.

bye boaty. no lifting anything heavy.
Late to the pass this morning, woken by the mater, sticking her head around the bedroom door, asking 'where are the children?' - that's a new one. Anyway, she is still out, so some cleaning done already whilst there is still peace. Looks like a nice day out there and very mild.
Oh and morning all!
I'm not supposed to be here now..
But still am.
G'day Dt.
Hope you have a good day.
Good morning all, went to bed in a pea-souper but this morning it's all gone. Anyone else going to face hordes of shoppers today, maybe sit on the odd telly or push someone around in Currys :-))
Oh,,,and by the way
Thanks for the birthday cake,
You must have arisen early to prepare four for one day.
You Legend ;-)
G'day Prudie.
Have a good day.
I'm on me way now..
Hope you had a good day, ozzie....
Certainly did DT.
Ta mate.
bye oz . . . . . again. x
morning DTC. morning prudie.
Morning Lady J, time for me to go and get the Sundays and some fuel, me thinks....more leaf cleaning beckons today but at least the back of it is broken, I think/I hope, just a magnolia to go!
bye oz and belated Happy Birthday,hi Lady J
Just can't believe how mild it is down here....unbelievable.
bye DTC. have a good day.

bye prudie. time for me to go . sorry to leave you on your own. hope you have a good day.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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