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marval | 11:38 Sun 30th Nov 2014 | Jokes
14 Answers
Driving to work, a man had to swerve to avoid a box that fell out of a van in front of him.

Seconds later, a policeman pulled him over for reckless driving.

Fortunately, another officer had seen the box in the road.

The policemen stopped the traffic and recovered the box.

It was found to contain large upholstery tacks.

"I'm sorry sir," the first officer told the driver, "but I am still going to have to write you a ticket."

Amazed, the driver asked what for.

The officer replied, "Tacks evasion."



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they'll nail you one way or another
He should think outside the box
was this real life or was it a cartoon ?

...and so he got hammered...
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1ozzy, should be in bed?
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Oops, how do you manage the GMEB thread?
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Ah, I see. I'm not up in time but read the posts to see how my favourite people are xx
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Bye, nice to meet you x
well that was him nailed then.

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