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The Cubed Sign

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mikey4444 | 12:29 Thu 04th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
How do I type the cube sign into AB ?

For instance, if I wanted to write 3 cubed with a pen, I would put a large 3, followed by a small 3, but higher up, if you know what I mean !
The same goes for the square root...2 squared, 3 squared, etc.

Is there a special symbol that I can use please ?


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Mikey, type in your main number 12 as normal Hold down ALT key and type 0179 at same time ³ Altogether now,. . 12³
13:04 Thu 04th Dec 2014
Yay! Result.
Dunt work on a smartphone:-(

Squared sign ^^^^

Mikey, type in your main number 12 as normal
Hold down ALT key and type 0179 at same time ³
Altogether now,. . 12³


Just checking :-)
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Baldric...I am indebted to you.

( I'm quite worn out now ! )

You're welcome,
If you go to Google Search Box and type in

'How to type Cubed Sign' . . . or whatever it is you want to type, you will normally find what you need!
¶ ²±°¯®­­²«ª©¨§¦¥¤£¢¡

Someone stop me now

you could always highlight the required character in a page such as and simply cut-and-paste it where you want
I've mentioned it before and will probably do so many times in the future.
"Charmap is your friend."
easier just to type squared or cubed, I would think.:-)
An even easier way: for 3 cubed, just type 27:)
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Tilley...not after all the faffing around that we have done today it isn't !
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bibs...I tried that link but it came up 404.
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OG....I have saved Charmap to my favourites, so thanks very much
( everybody is ruddy helpful here on AB ! )

Now lets see if it works ::::


Now ....that is much easier than all that buggering about with FN and alt !

Double thanks with knobs on !

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The Cubed Sign

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