That sometimes happens to me but only if I'm trying to type in a web based box like on here - if I do it in an e-mail it works perfectly. I don't know the cause but I always find the old favourite of shutting down and restarting always cures the problem.
Prudie: that will most likely resolve the issue if it's a memory 'overload'. I just normally terminate my browser(s) by using my friend 'Task Manager' :)
Do you have a wireless keyboard ? If so, it could just be the batteries have run down to a point where they don't always function correctly. I get that about once a year, and I know its time to change the batteries.
It used to happen to me quite a lot on here until I installed Adblock Plus.
All those pesky ads loading up, seems to slow things right down on here ..... not anymore :)
I am having problems this minute with my laptop,it takes a couple of seconds before the letters appear,seems to only be on AB,also I find the scroll bar gets stuck as well..again only on AB???
I doubt that clearing your cookies will help but, if you want to know how to do it, please answer Dizmo's question and tell us which browser you're using.
Last time this happened to me I took a picture of my keyboard, then took all the keys off and cleaned under them. It was a stray staple at fault.
I can't take the keys off this one though so f my kys fal 'm buggrd.