Son has a boiler for the hot water etc. It has a pressure gauge, and if the pressure drops to a certain level the boiler does not work. I also have a boiler like this, and if the pressure drops i open a valve and watch the pressure rise on a dial, and it stays good for a few months. My sons one needs re-pressurising every day, any ideas why???
Thank you.
Just to clarify what SirOracle has said - the leak may not necessarily be in the boiler itself - it's in the "system". It could be leaking from one of the many pipes, or even a radiator. It's more than likely to be a joint somewhere (a weak point), but not for definite ..... happy hunting ......
The favourite candidates are the pressure reliefs (there may be one or more than one), that leak when defective. They leak either into a waste pipe which goes to the outside of the dwelling (whence you can stop it dripping), or via a tundish that discharges into an internal drain. A tundish is a pipe with a bit cut away so you can spot the water passing by.
You can do some diagnosis yourself.
The other candidate is a leak in the pressure expansion cylinder.
Yep it's a leak, look for damp patches or try 'sniffing' around the house to see if there's a "damp" smell, if you can't find an obvious problem you could get some Fernox leak sealer and put that in, I've used it a couple of times with total success.
Have a plumber run a pressure test on the radiator circuit, Annie.
If no problem, then first choice is the expansion vessel, then the relief valves BM mentioned.
Thanks all,
firstly, where would we put the ferminax into the system? and, as builder says, if the system is pressurised, wouldn.t a leak be obvious? Will get son to have a good look for leaks ( He did mention one of the rads was not getting hot, and was noisy) and go from there.