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Cinnamon Biscuits

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Dizmo | 00:00 Mon 08th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I went with cinnamon biscuits. The only problem is I'm eating them as fast as I bake them :p


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BlackadderV: It isn't too bad whilst sat but I certainly couldn't lie down - which means I can't sleep until I get so knackered that I am able to sleep through it. This could take a couple of days though... I only sleep about 2-3hours a day at the moment if I'm lucky. I'm getting up at 3 to walk the dogs and it's gone midnight now so it doesn't look like I'll be sleeping at all anyway.
I don't have dogs (yet) but like you, not a great sleeper :( just take things easy Dizmo, you did well tonight, I followed your posts with great interest, you should be well chuffed - try and relax as best you can
I have no problems sitting or lying. Obviously the root cause of our problems must be different.
do you have a district nurse call, I have one, I have chronic pain issues, my health service provided me with a recliner to help me sleep as in too much pain to get into bed - you should consider being referred to some kind of public health nurse/district nurse, they will help you in some small way.
we'ver gone fom lovely cinnamon biscuits to health issues-we've gotta laugh - giz a smile Dizmo :)

I'm off to my chair - goodnight and sleep a little - ducksie x
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Cheers; You too.

I'll give the baking a rest now since 'poodle' is growling at me. He is a right weird dog, he growls and nips me yet if I sit down he jumps all over me. I think he just likes to hear himself growl and bark.
attention seeker is the poodle :)
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ducksie: Probably. The Christmas card I'm working on is a picture of him now and on the back is a picture of him 2 years ago when he was left to starve to death. It's a real eye opener. He's allowed to nip me, poor dog has had it hard.

I'm going to see if I can lie down for a bit, might as well give a try. See you around ducksie :)
you surely will Dizmo, I like the sound of the card- you sound a good sort - slepp well, whatever sleep you get - good night - chat soon
Oooh, lovely Send some my way Diz xx

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