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How Much Do You Prepare ?

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wendilla | 10:25 Tue 09th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
As only my daughter and I like swede I have cooked it and put in freezer . One job less on xmas day . What else do you prepare and put in freezer for xmas day .


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Sorry, I meant in the search box above
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I will,try that out with a small one .save me a lot of work on my burns night .
I am not even sure what I am doing for Christmas, So I have prepared nothing, there will probably be a mad panic in the end.
Bought a swede to sing over the weekend. Was too cold walking home last evening to feel enthusastic about going into the kitchen and do it. Unsure why that put me off as I had to shove something in the microwave anyway. I think it was the thought of being out there where it wasn't so warm, scooping out the flesh to use. Maybe tonight.
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Hi OG I have never heard of it before but will certainly give it a try .

Thanks gness for mentioning that .
Do try, Wendi.....I wasn't confident about it but it's so easy.....and when you scoop out it's cooked evenly but much firmer than you get when boiling and a doddle to mash...x
BOO - yes it is a glorified Sunday dinner, but very glorified in our house. For a start there are only usually 2 of us for Sunday dinner but I expect anything upward of 9 people for Christmas. We eat it at lunchtime too (we have Sunday dinner in the evening) my guests arrive about 12 and we eat at about 1. Also, we have three courses at Christmas whereas its never more than two on a Sunday. This will be the first year in ages that I haven't worked Christmas Eve so I intend having a lovely lazy day (after I've got the two tables ready that we will need). I've just had a great weekend preparing everything so I can relax with my guests on the day
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That is how I feel too Lynda as don't wont to be in kitchen all morning .there will be 7 of us and I like to do the extras that I don't usually do for Sunday dinners .
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And if I have a tipple too much I might need a bit of help lol
I have all the neighbours round for a drink on Christmas morning (Tradition going back for nearly 25years, usually about 20 people) I do a buffet of nibbles and we have a few drinks and a good old gossip. They usually leave at around 3.00. I do all the preparation the day before, veggiesetc etc then all I have to do are the turkey and the roasties. There are only three of us so we have a large Turkey breast from Costco which only takes about n hour to cook and is really easy to carve. We normally eat at about 4.00, with a nice bottle of champagne, then pass out on get settee!!
When we were a family,I used to prep the veg and tuck the pigs in their blankies the night before.

Now there's just me it's usually a lovely steak with some trimmings so easily done on the day.
Dizmo on a similar thread on what people would be having for xmas you stated you would be volunteering at the 'soup kitchen' therefore would probably be having soup -just repeating what you wrote!
Retrochic: Fair enough, however I won't be having any food whilst volunteering. I haven't looked at the previous thread however I probably said that to just emphasise the fact I'm doing something different and volunteering in a soup kitchen.

I'm still having beans on toast though. I prefer to cook for other people, not myself. It's just a subsistence.
LyndaB- ta for acknowledging my comment, was beginning to think I was being ignored by everyone x
B00: You're never ignored :)
lol and ta Dizmo, I dunno, you just sometimes get that impression sometimes on some threads dontcha?

Or I could just be more of a grumpy mare than usual today ;-)
B00: I get that feeling often too - let's be grumpy mare and colt together eh :)
No sage & onion balls for your xmas dins....Thats all I like
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Many thanks for all your replies . Hope you all have a nice xmas.

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