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Matron/mrs Trunchball Is On Tonight

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Dizmo | 22:19 Fri 12th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Wish me luck :s


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*** = he's of African origin
Ah that's lovely dizmo, will make the night better for you, can't tar everyone with the one brush. What a compassionate guy
If matrons still existed and came round the wards to see to their patients you would be a lot better off than in the hands of an auxiliary night nurse.
Glad you can be so positive Dizmo
Just seen this Dizmo, hope you are feeling a bit better by now.
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I've asked to be put on haloperidol at night only. She's going to contact the doctor and get it prescribed. Could take a few hours but it at least I'll get a good nights sleep :)
Keep a positive mind, Dizmo. Get well soon.
-- answer removed --
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Another answer removed?

Thanks TonyAv. I'll play that to the staff :)
it's trolls Dizmo (the answers removed)
Yes I saw that post, very nasty troll.
Keep strong Diz, you are needed.
Get well soon Diz x

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Matron/mrs Trunchball Is On Tonight

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