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An Absolutely Beautiful Day.

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Tilly2 | 14:39 Sat 13th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
We have just come back from a two hour walk. It is an absolutely wonderful day.

Now time for a couple of bacon sandwiches, methinks!

Have you been out today?


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You are so right. Having a pub lunch with sun pouring through the window. Bought help for heroes Sauvignon blanc and reading label says it has "grassiness" so obviously for me!
Question Author
Good choice then, grassy. Enjoy it.
Lovely here too, cariad.

N/Kent Coast, Brill. sunshine, light breeze, it's a good one!
Thanks Tilly. Enjoy your bacon sarnies. X
It is lovely and having been in the garden have enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my back.

I'd like a bacon sarnie. Dry cured back bacon, cooked in a frying pan until the fat is crispy, served on lightly toasted sour dough with some fried 'shrooms, maybe a squeeze of French's mustard too. If only........
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I will, grassy. There is a lovely smell coming from the kitchen. Mr T is in charge of the sandwich making.

So it's nice in Wales and nice in Kent. Where are you, grassy?
Yes, I was out at 7.30 for a 3-4 mile walk then at 9am , I joined about 400 others for a 5K run, then I met a friend for coffee and Panini(to undo all the good work I'd just done!!)then home to collapse. As you say, it's a beautiful day. Cold, crisp but a beautiful winter's day. Enjoy it folks, it's to fffffrrrreeze later this week.
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There you go, Eccles. Start running and you, too, can eat bacon sandwiches :-)

No wonder you've collapsed, jan. That's a lot of exercise. Good for you.
I'm also waaayyy too old to be doing it. I should have more sense !
I am close to Terminal 4 at Heathrow. Clear sky and can see aircraft way above .
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If you're capable of doing it, Jan, age doesn't matter.
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How are people 'up north' faring? Is it a lovely day there too?
Just going out on a dismal day to pick up my car after a tune-up. It'll cost me a dismal $400, or a depressing 220 pounds:)
Am now wondering why I should go running to earn a bacon buttie?!?!?

Anyway, shopping list for tomorrow has been adjusted accordingly.
Had a lovely day shopping with Mum. We went to a garden centre first and had a lovely lunch, then went to town to shop and then back to Mum's for a cuppa and a chat with my dear old Dad before popping off home.

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An Absolutely Beautiful Day.

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