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Can People Really Be So Hard Up That They're Disposing Of Dead Relatives In Their Back Gardens?

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sandyRoe | 19:44 Wed 10th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
This was reported in The Mirror today. And is a covering of only 2' of soil sufficient?


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My local foxes would soon dig that up. 2' is nothing to them.
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Cemented in under the patio might be more secure.
What happens when you move? Do you dig them up and take them with you? I wouldn't like to buy a house with a dead body in the garden.
All joking aside, I think this issue is serious when / if you are thinking down these lines, has anyone If I can ask, can someone break the cost down?
It is very difficult to get the required authority for an internment and usually the body is left behind, it can greatly affect the value of the house.

Break down the cost of a home burial, TWR?
Of a burial Hc, not a Home burial.
This story was utter nonsense and it turns out that its mroe likely that people from a higher income bracket will have their relatives interned on their land -kirsty allsop's mother, Lady Hindlip, was recently buried on their Estate (no not council) next to her pony - hardly a paupers grave.
It depends what council you are in, TWR. Burial costs vary enormously across the country.
to be honest if they are that hard up they would get a council cremation -or why not go Viking and have a bonfire?
This gives you an idea of the costs:

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