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Where Could I Find Someone To Knit Me A Hat Like This?

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sandyRoe | 23:31 Tue 16th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
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'' dry clean only '' ?
Is tha' made o money??
Are you asking what my prospects are Mamy, you little devil you....?
sandy is loaded :)
Sage and onion?
Edible hats, have you thought of Dragon's Den Daisy?
Sandy is a great-horned Eric the Red, as opposed to a nocturnal bird
Better things to do than even watch it Mamya.
Oh Sandy, you mean you don't already have one? I'm sure you can get them at Vikings 'r us.
You'll be Sexy Sandor then. xx
Sandy the Red.
sandy, your beard's come along nicely since i last saw it ...

Question Author
I've give it a try but I think I'll let the henna grow out. Grey's more me now.
There was Sweyn Forkbeard, Harold Bluetooth, and now me: Sandy Greybeard.
You mean it hasn't been knitted yet ??

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Where Could I Find Someone To Knit Me A Hat Like This?

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