Have absolutely no idea what you mean. Do try English rather than abbreviations, we are not all teenagers. (Do not recommend texting my grandchildren at this time of night)
Daidy, Methyl seems to be one of those strange folk who think anyone with a different opinion to them, or one that does not follow the 'fluffy bunny' line of thinking is a Troll.
New Judge, it is refreshing to read something many folks think but few dare write. People in third world countries tend to have lots of children in the hope one or two will survive to look after them in their old age. The money from charities would be better spent on education, better healthcare infrastructure and education on birth control for the women . Unfortunately this type of funding gets filtered off by crooked government officials. I would love to think the £100 I gave to a foreign charity would buy a family a goat and send one of their children to school but it reality this does not happen.
Much of this is a head v heart situation. One's heart needs to help those in desperate circumstances, and would like to think others would help us if needed. The head knows that all help simply continues the situation and doesn't solve it. That if an area of the world can not support a population (or if individuals are grabbing all the wealth) then the only solution is not to have a population there.
I would donate to the Salvation Army with out a problem, My family have very deep roots in the Salvation Army going back to William Booth himself. Are they perfect? name one organisation that is!but they are certainly closer to perfect than any other organisation that I can think of!
The Salvation Army is run by humans, of course there will be slip ups in the course of time. They have my ultimate respect for the great charity work they do in all fields and across the world.
Exactly Ratter . I am not religious but the Sally Bash do fantastic work, One branch of my family in Canada had very close links and an Uncle was a Divisional Commander in the Salvation Army
Sorry Canary as a 'self styled animal lover' (your words), I prefer my hard earned to go to animal charities. Please DO NOT presume to tell me which charities to donate to !!