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Are You There Sherrardk?

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Caran | 00:16 Fri 19th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
How did the school play go? Did you cry?


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Hi, thanks for asking - didn't cry but they were both lovely (thing 1 for being so 'free spirited' and thing 2 for having come so far with his speech).
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How was thing2's speech, did he do well?
I went to the twins nativity on Tuesday. One was a king, the other was a camel.
The king had a great bushy beard dad had made from an old dog bed. It was so big we couldn't really see her face. It had a starring role of its own!
He did as well as the other kids which is pretty amazing as he couldn't speak at all when he started school. Bit sad as no more nativity plays for me (until grand kids!!!). Glad you enjoyed your nativity (and thanks again for asking).
great memories though sher, and well done your boy with his speech.
my niece posted a video online of my grand niece and nephews nativity play from yesterday, I watched it and enjoyed but i felt awful as I didn't recognise either of them, she had to point out that the G-niece was a donkey and the G-nephew was in back row - I've watched it a few times and still can't recognise them
Thing 2 had recently been discharged from speech therapy after four and a glad years - he's done brilliantly (at one stage we were having to use sign language).
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Sherr that's wonderful, it must have been so hard for you. Well done for being a super mum.
(Not a super mum, just a determined one.)

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