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Poundsstretcher Chockies !

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mikey4444 | 22:57 Fri 19th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Can I make a personal recommendation here please ?

I bought some Courvoisier Liqueur Chocolates, from Poundstretcher this week, in the vain hope that they would stay unmolested until Xmas Day.

Fat chance ! .....These are quite the yummiest liqueur chockies I have ever tasted !

Get some while they last folks !


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I would leave it until the morning Marval, if I were you !

I am off to Poundland then, thanks mikey.

So am I, marval.

Leave it at the one box tonight then, mikey.
Question Author
I fear you are correct Tony...goodnight !
G'night, mikey.
Haven't had them. I have rather expensive tastes where chocolate is concerned. I only like Fortnum and Mason Champagne truffles. When the £ shop starts selling them, I'll be first in the queue.
Well get her mikey! ;0)
I have had these in the past...was a bit wary when first bought as to how they would be(chocolate wise) you say...really delicious!!!!
Mikey I've had about 6 e mails from the Ed telling me that this is my thread, as if, I suppose we do look alike with all the chocs at this time of year!
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It was a big mistake, opening those ruddy chockies last night ! I only meant to have 1 or 2, and then put them back in the cupboard. I am now paying the penalty, and I expect no sympathy from anybody !

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