Law1 min ago
What's Wrong With These Clues ?
12 Answers
A couple of howlers that managed to slip past the editors from recent IQ (1364) and EV (1151) puzzles respectively:
Ligaments requiring ingestion of recipe - sprouts ? (8)
Substance used to treat eating complex, note (7)
Ligaments requiring ingestion of recipe - sprouts ? (8)
Substance used to treat eating complex, note (7)
antigens arent really used to treat at least I cant think of one..... vaccines are modified antigens but arent used in treatment rather prevention and i have never heard of tendron but clearly others have
19:04 Thu 18th Dec 2014
I think tendril is used more. Tendrons is defined here
http:// www.mer riam-we bster.c om/dict ionary/ tendron
Ah, I don't see those as the issues (at least in a generalist puzzle) - a ligament is a 'a physical connection or bond', which fits the dictionary definition of a tendon, 'tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone or some other part'; and antigens I believe can be used in the treatment of certain medical conditions. But a recipe is not something you eat, it's a list of ingredients and directions; and 'treat' in the sense of 'apply treatement to' is a transtitive verb and must have an object, which it has here in the surface reading but not in the definition - as an intranstivie verb it means 'to negotiate'.
You seem to be confusing the sense of ligament meaning ligature with the anatomical ligament. A tendon is neither of these - it joins a muscle to a bone, but not in the manner of a ligament/ligature, and the generalist nature of the puzzle doesn't really excuse the oversight. I agree that the surface reading is also nonsense !
Regarding the EV clue, there are zillions of antigens and thousands of medical treatments, but very few of the latter work in the manner of the former, making this a decidedly dodgy definition even if the verb was the correct case !
Regarding the EV clue, there are zillions of antigens and thousands of medical treatments, but very few of the latter work in the manner of the former, making this a decidedly dodgy definition even if the verb was the correct case !
...'tendrons' is a nice word to clue, something like 'Merry rodents start to nibble sprouts' would be suitably seasonal; I don't like words like 'antigen' because of the definition problem, but the mildly libertarian &lit 'Agent in stimulation?' could work (a better definition than 'substance used to treat', possibly?).