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Maydup | 19:04 Sun 21st Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I need a card to arrive on Monday 29th Dec. its in mainland UK as am I, when should I post it first class?


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As an ex postie I can assure you that posting on the 27th, the Saturday, will be fine...providing you catch the last posting time which may be very early Saturday morning depending on where you are and what box you use. The Christmas post should not affect it. In fact in twenty years on the job the last delivery before Christmas was usually very light as...
19:17 Sun 21st Dec 2014
I would if I were you, Maydup.
Please excuse Tony, he's a bit confused these days, poor thing.

I would post it tomorrow if I were you, but it might arrive early.
Doh, yeah I mean't post it first class tomorrow, Maydup.
Post it First Class as soon as tomorrow.
As an ex postie I can assure you that posting on the 27th, the Saturday, will be fine...providing you catch the last posting time which may be very early Saturday morning depending on where you are and what box you use.

The Christmas post should not affect it. In fact in twenty years on the job the last delivery before Christmas was usually very light as everything had already gone.
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Thanks all and especially Postdog. For various reasons, I don't want it to arrive early or late but smack on the day, so I think I will post it on Boxing Day afternoon at the box attatched to the village Post Office.

That way I can't miss the early morning Saturday post.
It may also make a difference if it is going to a neighbouring town, or the other end of the country.
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Its going to the next county but one Hopkirk.
If it HAS to be 'on the day'you should consider 'special delivery' posted on Saturday for guaranteed Monday morning delivery. Costs about £5 but it is the only way to guarantee Monday morning delivery/
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In the end I posted it this morning (24th Dec) at 10.30am in the middle of town. There is a faint chance it might get ther on Saturday but most likely on Monday. Lets see what happens.

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