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Looks Like I'm The Only Man Still Standing!!

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Caran | 03:01 Sat 27th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Is there anyone out there?


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G'night, Caran.
I'm still here catching up
Morning :)

I'm still up for the time being!
Night Caran. There's some huge cruise ships that come here Craft. Fab duty free shops in the docking area but the rest of St Johns is verging on ghetto.
Hi Tony.

Hi Ed. If you're here I can relax. It's usually about now that I have to start zapping that ruddy Russian spammer every few minutes. He's all yours tonight!
Here...i'm having a sing song.Its a mans world ....dont cha know ;)
I've been on 3 cruises there Prudie, but never to stay...
Hi Ed :)
You drew the short straw !
Ok Chris do that and watch carry on film lol
I'm still up but not for much longer. Eyelids getting droopy. Night all. xx
Доброе утро, Хрис!
Mm Blackadder can't get auto reader lol
Goood morning to you too, BAV!
(and to everyone else that I've not mentioned yet, of course)

I'm here... cooo eee, over here. yoo hoo. caran... xx

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Looks Like I'm The Only Man Still Standing!!

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