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Hey Janbee and Peas :)
Peas, she will be getting re-homed, probably to an older person as she loves to lay around all day now. She walks fine on lead (we have never, and never will let her off the lead though, we can't risk her not coming back) and only spins occasionally now. She may never stop spinning but at least she isn't doing it 24/7 and it's nice to see her tail wagging - something that didn't happen when we first took her in. She is no longer having to be given Diazepam or Citalopram to calm her down.
Also, she's a licker! she loves licking your hand with her eyes shut and waging her tail at the same time! I think she goes off into a calm state and really relaxes.
I will keep you updated about Minnie. Also Tina (the other dog we took in at the same time as Spinning Min) is currently on trial with a family :) hopefully they will take her permanently.
This means that once Minnie and Tina have gone to new homes we will have 2 more spaces for dogs that are about to go under the needle.