Can anybody advise how to get rid of those pesky little critters. All of my tubs/pots etc have all got dead plants in them. The weevils have chomped through the lot.
Thank you for any help/advice you can give.
afraid it is best to tip contents of pots clean thoroughly (steam if you can ) and repot with new compost ...there are potions that you can get to pour in but I find the problem recurs..:o(
I've already chucked out the old pots, done the scrubbing bit and put new compost in. The little devils seem to always find their way back though. They've just chomped through 50 lavender plants I put in. Grrr.
I've tried them for slugs but the slugs here are made of strong stuff and just seem to LOVE them. I have decided to give up and this year my garden will be 100% bare of flowers/plants/shrubs. I'm fed up spending a fortune at garden centres and it all ends up as a feast for slugs/snails/weevils/foxes.
Thanks anyway for your advice Minty. Maybe Scottish pests are easier to control. The ones here have "attitude" !
Well, slugs aren't weevils. Maybe weevils will prove more vulnerable.
I suspect infection in the general area means pots are easily reinfected. No expert, but I'd suggest
using a systemic insecticide and keeping your fingers crossed.
I have found that weevil nematodes work if you catch them early. Once they are in pupae then the nematodes don't seem to to be able to get into the weevil. The nematodes don't deal with the adult weevil (looks like a dusty grey beetle) so you have to keep on watching for adults, especially if your neighbours aren't treating their plants.
Thanks woof. I thought gardening was supposed to be relaxing and calming not fraught with thoughts of murder, death and mayhem !!
Thanks for info. Still waiting for delivery of nematodes. Amazon is a bit behind on their deliveries at the moment no doubt. Should arrive this week.