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Winter Quiz

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dandyboy | 16:11 Thu 01st Jan 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Stuck on one
26 ''s women'

have seen it answered as WHETHER but can't see why. Can anyone help/explain please


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It's the spelling, maybe should be 'weather' that is what I have.
Hi,Butterbun,how did you arrive at weather for the answer,please?This one has puzzled me for ages'
Forget 'weather'. The frogman got it on another thread. It's snowmen.
I can only blame the tablespoon of brandy I had last night, maybe It wasn't enough. (lol) Can you imagine a Glaswegian saying " it's no men, it's women"? and there's your answer. Snowmen..
Thank you, Butterbun.Finished now.
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Thanks Butterbun

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