My husband is at his wits end in dreadful pain with side effects from radiotheray a year ago He has acute cystitis, the pain is unbearable. Can only use co-codamol.
We feel the hyperbaric oxygen treatment is the only way the stricture in his urether is going to heal. Has anyone used this treatment and to what effect? Any help will be much appreciated. Thankyou.
Hello Sqad, Thankyou for replying. He is on blood pressure tablets daily which is why he can't have a stronger painkiller. Yes, he had prostate cancer and the radiotherapy lasted 7 weeks last Autumn. He was fine until May this year when he started to feel uncomfortable down below. He has had two cystoscopys. His urologist makes no suggestions as to what happens next. The pain is dreadful for him. He says he has had it. Always as strong as an ox his whole life - and now this. We don't go anywhere as he has to spend a penny every few minutes. It is no life for him.