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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:08 Fri 02nd Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
129 Answers
Friday. The weekend is nigh. Now we can get back to whatever passes for normal. damp, but mild here this morning. I don't think it's going to improve either! Such is life.

I might finally get round to making those crumpets I've been going to do for the past week. No shoplifting today so I should have the time. Every time I say that something comes up!

I'm in the Heritage Centre tomorrow. Must phone my mate and make sure he's ready. He is still carless until the quack passes him fit to drive.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Well. Dawn has broken but heavy cloud is keeping it dark. Not going to be fun out. So I shan't be more that about half an hour when I do go out!
Just starting to get daylight here. Looks wet. I think the going is soft this morning.
Hi pixiexx lardhelmet xx and dt xx
that's an understatement down here, the garden conditions are more akin to a Mr Whippy....
time to be on the move I think......
have a good day all (hit the enter button there too quick!)
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Have a good'un DT. :o}
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I'm going to make a move too. Go and get the paper then get them there crumpets made.

Have a happy day everyone.
morning all bright and breezy here this morning

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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