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Have You Broken Any New Year Resolutions Yet?

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sandyRoe | 10:48 Fri 02nd Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I never made any so I can face the day with a clear conscience.


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Same here, Sandy.
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Those eastern European masseuses in Spanish gentlemen's clubs must sing a siren's song that's hard to resist. Perfectly understandable
:-) sandy.

Well......I have always found that AB engendered a degree of hassle,enmity and spitefulness, but tolerating this was well worth while when one considered the benefits of AB.

However, over the last six to eighteen months, the benefits have not been worth the increasing nastiness and hassle and I planned to quit AB on New Years day.

Just a personal view, you understand.

However, i saw a post by AOG today who has also taken a fair share of AB abuse, but still sticks to his task and i decided to relent.
Nastiness and hassle or just people disagreeing with you?
I can see the Ed wiping the sweat away from his/her brow in relief.....
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Indeed. A few AB Galácticos are both ornament and safeguard(in that they offer sage health advice).
It would be a shame to lose them.
The pay probably isn't high enough, sandy!
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I sometimes wonder in the e-mail from the Ab Editor offering me a modest retainer to continue posting here has somehow gone astray.
but who would do the '' morning surgery '' sqad ?
Morning, Sandy.....I resolved to stop procrastinating so much.....but maybe I'll leave that til next year....x
yes - broken the resolution , not to break the resolution
I only made one resolution this year and that was not to make any resolutions ! I've stuck to it so far .

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