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A Bit Too Soon?

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quinie | 15:16 Sat 03rd Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Went to the co-op for bread this morning and saw Hot Cross Buns for sale. Why can't they wait till nearer Easter?


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I think that for many of us, particularly as we get older,we are seeing traditional events that mark the passing of seasons-and the year...rushing past us. To see symbols of a springtime or winter event appearing so early makes us feel as if time is flying past, and also takes away their meaning. I see nothing wrong in expecting certain things at certain...
17:34 Sat 03rd Jan 2015
hot cross buns aren't 'seasonal' they are 'religious' -I'm surprised other religions haven't asked them to be taken from the supermarket shelves as they may cause offence!
Like Glen says, they are available all year round, they are just promoted for Easter,
ummmmm hot cross buns have a cross on them that is supposed to signify Jesus dying on a cross and were traditionally given out to the poor by the church on Good Friday.
I'm a Catholic. I don't need a lesson, thanks.
I have never in all my born days seen or heard of anyone of any religion complain about food on sale in Supermarkets, from Easter Eggs to Advent Calendars to Halal meats and meals.
Doesn't matter what they 'signify' you can still get them all year round.
It's only a fruit bun, toasted tea-cake - yummy !! Hot toasted and buttered...mmmmmm
Birthday cards are on sale all year round yet I only need to buy them half a dozen times a year

Can we not ban shops from offering them for sale on the days when I don't wish to buy?
Hot Cross Buns and Cadburys cream eggs and Lindt choc easter bunnies are now on sale all year through. I suppose the "big" eggs will appear right after Valentines Day.

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