I've been taking the above roughly 10 years for my vertigo. When I have a bout of vertigo I take 1 tab a day till it stops (usually within 3 days). The last bout I had has lasted almost 3 weeks! My gp gave me more Stemetil last week. I've spoken to 2 neighbours who take 1 Stemetil every day non stop as advised by their doc's. I'm wondering wether I should do the same. Any feedback appreciated. tia.
If your attacks are quite regular...e.g every 2 weeks, then yes....take Stemetil daily.However if they are less than that......only take the tablets when necessary.
My pc's been down so apologies for not replying sooner. I take the Stemetil when I get an attack,usually about twice a year. I have laberynthitis btw. I just don't understand why this bout lasted for 3 weeks when it's always lasted 2-3 days. Thanks all.
My worst attack lasted for 6 weeks in all...the first two weeks were hell, then gradually it lessened but the feeling of bobbing up and down took about another 4 weeks to clear. The gp warned me that might be the case. (It was the one and only time he showed any empathy...he'd had it himself, collapsed onto the floor and his wife had accused him of being drunk, lol)