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MP3 Nightmare!!

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hellers_27 | 15:20 Fri 21st Apr 2006 | Technology
2 Answers

I have a Sanyo HDP-MM3000 - 6GB MP3 Player and i have been having trouble with the software that came with it. Can i add songs to this MP3 player using windows media instead. I've been afraid to try this incase it damages my MP3 player. If anyone could help that would be great. Cheers :-)



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I cant see how it would damage your mp3 player. The best way i find to do it is Get the track you want and drop them over your dics F or whatever your drive has called it.
Forget the software if you can. Does the mp3 player show up as another drive under Windows? If so, just record your mp3s in the usual way (media player or MusicMatch Jukebox or the free Cdex) and then drag them over.

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MP3 Nightmare!!

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