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Do You Prefermsummer Or Winter??

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slinky.kate | 14:24 Thu 29th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I prefer the winter as I cant stand too much heat,i am loving watching the snow,wish I could go out in it.


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Snow's not bad, it's the slippery icy slush which follows that I don't like. I don't much like the heat of summer, either. Autumn's nice.
14:32 Thu 29th Jan 2015
i am with Jordy ..hate the winter :o(
Spring and it's promise of renewal and everything bursting out, is nice. Optimistic. Grand time to be alive.

Summer with it's warmth and longer days, brighter evenings is arguably best, as long as the heat doesn't get oppressive. Cool drinks, relaxation/low stress, hopefully someone else doing the gardening.

Autumn, despite it's fruits & harvest is marred by the foliage depletion, pretty though it may be, and the threat of the cold dark depressing days to come.

Winter is the cold dark depressing days; and is dangerous with it's ice too. Some consolation if inside with your hot toddy by a roaring fire, but who has roaring fires these days ? Best viewed in pictures than experienced personally; in a picture snow scenes can seem pretty and appreciated. But the bears have the best idea, hibernate until the world turns friendly again.
I've got frozen feet too jordy ;-( x
I would move to warmer climes if I could afford it.
Autumn and winter for me. Never been a sun worshipper ! Loving the snow today ..
Spring is lovely,so much to look forward to, don't like too much heat either Kate, sorry you can't go out in the snow when you love looking from afar, Scottish snow is much more exciting than 'down South' stuff, it never lasts long here and turns into mucky slushy/icy stuff - - not like my Borders childhood stuff at all, happy days then .

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