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Rte 7

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scooke | 13:00 Mon 02nd Feb 2015 | Crosswords
7 Answers
4d its an answer, if not the answer, to get ahead of another question!(4)?a?s
7d i read Roman building blocks(4)?e?o
19d passing water charge is a thing of the past now!(3,5)o?e,?e?o?
27d american caught, we hear and grumble(4)??i?
27a collected enough to have made up(8)??m?o?e?


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7 Lego ?
4 Pass
27 composed
Question Author
27d now is c?i?
One meaning of crib:To complain, to grumble. colloq.
But can't parse first part of clue.

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Rte 7

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