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I've Not Laughed That Hard For A While.

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Dizmo | 13:38 Mon 02nd Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
My mum is in Italy at the moment and I've just remotely sent a message (vocal) to her phone asking how the weather is. She was sat in the hotel and it scared the life out of her when her mobile just started speaking.

Oh it really doesn't take a lot to get me chuckling at the moment. I can just see the expression on her face.


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Hope she has a nice relaxing time Diz... well, apart from having the bejeezus scared out of her by you!!
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If anything it will make her feel safer. If her phone gets stolen I have a chance at locking it out and stopping someone from running up a huge phone bill.
I bet she was pleased to hear from you though.
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marval: She's only been gone 2 days, there's love but I don't think it stretches that far lol

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