I recently downloaded Outlook Express 6 from Microsoft as an update from Outlook Express 5.
Since this time, I am constantly getting a window appearing on the screen headed RNAAPP stating 'this programme has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down'
Whne clicking on to 'details', it is advises that RNAAPP caused an invalid page in Module Winnett.dll@0177-7022 AC08. It then gives a list of registers which terminates by stating 'if programme persists contact the programme vendor'
I have tried unsuccessfully to obtain technical assistance from microsoft - at one time spending 63 minutes waiting for a tachnical person to come on line after being through from the initial reception. I have a Microsoft Reference No SRQ030919601854. It is well over 3 weeks now since I contacted Microsft but have not received amu communication whtasoever from them.
Can anyone advise me what is RNAAPP - Why should it constanrly recur on my screen? and how do I get rid of it without effecting my other programmes?