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Whats The Name?

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lynbrown | 16:23 Thu 05th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
There is a sect attached to the Catholic church known as the Num????. Its a long word and I cannot remember it. Can anyone help?


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thanks all very much. It is the Neocatechumenal way.
Bless you, Mother Brown........
Glad you found the organisation you were looking for.

It seems to be on a wobbly peg now,as the present Pope is a tad concerned at some of their beliefs.

ultramontane - ultramontanism

that is northern European for being keen on the Pope ( across the mountains )

I cant recollect what the word for less keen was - cisalpine or summmit
Numismatic Roman ?

RC er keen on money ?
Canary - numskull

Here is my vote for freedom of speech even in matters of Roman doctrine.

what is wrong with numskull ( yeah spelling I know ) I have been called much much worse and here I still am !
Glad you found it Lyn,just had a read - interesting and rather new in Church terms, even though based on the ancient Catechumen.

Great to live and learn.

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