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Dropped A Clanger!

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Caran | 00:54 Sat 14th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Took joint of pork out of freezer earlier today, took dish of chicken liver pate out of freezer. Sat here planning what to do with it tomorrow night. I've just realised we are going out for dinner tomorrow night. We are going to our local golf club for a valentine dinner with four other friends. How did I forget that. What a Sally!


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Wally not Sally!
Have it for lunch.
Will still be good on Sunday.
I feel sorry for all the Sallys, who are quite hurt.
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We never have lunch, we have a late breakfast then eat in the evening. I don't cook on Sundays. Always have a big late breakfast and a snacky thing later on. Will it still be ok for Monday?

I feel sorry for all the Sallys, who are quite hurt.

I don't, one gave me a Chinese burn once.

I'll have the crackling, Caran.
Get over it, Tony
Question Author
Oh no you won't tony, that's my favourite bit of the joint.

Get over it, Tony

Still stings ;-)

Aw go on Caran, just a bit.
I'm sure it would keep until Monday in the fridge.
I had an Aunt Sally once - she was a bit shy....

I used to throw wooden balls at her.
Did you ever win a coconut though, shoota.
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Might just cook it tomorrow to be on the safe side then have it Monday evening.
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Will have the pate Sunday evening. OH made it a few weeks ago. He made three pots of it. We had one a couple of weeks ago, rather good.

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Dropped A Clanger!

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