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Malinga, Is He A 'chucker'?

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saintpeter48 | 01:30 Sat 14th Feb 2015 | Sport
5 Answers
Watching the NZ v Sri Lanka cricket and I can't believe that Malinga is not beiing called for chucking, he is throwing the ball not bowling it, who makes the call, how and why does he get away with it? Any thoughts on this?


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See your question below from 6 months ago.
>>>who makes the call

Either umpire is entitled to call 'No ball' in respect of an illegal bowling action (although I've only ever called 'No ball' from square leg just once myself - it's certainly uncommon).

Law 24 (3) states: "A ball is fairly delivered in respect of the arm if, once the bowler’s arm has reached the level of the shoulder in the delivery swing, the elbow joint is not straightened partially or completely from that point until the ball has left the hand. This definition shall not debar a bowler from flexing or rotating the wrist in the delivery swing".

Plenty of video evidence has shown that Lasith Mainga's action complies with the wording of that Law. A few other bowlers (notably Vinay Kumar) are now deliberately inserting a few Malinga-style deliveries among their more regular ones, often with devastating effects for the opposing batsmen.
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snags, thanks for reminding me, I knew that I'd posted the question somewhere before, thought it was Facebook! It doesn't take away the fact that I think Malinga is a chucker!!
the fact that his arm's wide out rather than over his shoulder doesn't make him a chucker; it's whether his elbow flexes or not (or more precisely, how much it flexes).
Malinga is OK - odd, but legal.

The true scandal was that political forces ensured that another SL bowler was allowed to continue chucking it for virtually the whole of his lengthy career. A blot on the game - and please don't name him - AB probably can't afford the lawsuits.

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Malinga, Is He A 'chucker'?

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