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So Tempted.......

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gness | 20:33 Mon 16th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Just in from a fantastic acupuncture appointment to a message from the police.....
Was everything okay after the incident the other night......did I need any advice or help?......And a number to ring......

Do you think asking if the dishy policeman driving the car would come and help put up shelves is pushing their concern a bit too far?........☻


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Avatar Image Anything else you want putting up?
21:20 Mon 16th Feb 2015
Just ... might ... work ...
Perhaps ask them for a list of Officers with piccys so you can choose one to come around?
so what has happened re the incident, gness??? I was up in Surrey...

Now sitting on the next table to where we sat at the Nobody!
i almost dare not ask ... incident?
Get on the phone, pronto, Gness. You're worried about things, need reassurance, oh, by the way, do you know anything about shelves?
When do you want me?
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You reckon, Jj? a sort of rogue's gallery of coppers,....x

DT.....should you be sitting on tables?.....You're not going to start dancing are you?......Click on my profile and you'll find it....x
With a name like PC Rich Carpenter, he has to be your man, surely.....
Do the worst you might get a night in custody with him xxx
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I know nothing about shelves....really need a policeman to help....hi, Shoota....but my track record with them is not good.....I broke the leg of one policeman just before his wedding.......not the same policeman who set fire to my swimming pool....mind you he did ply me with wine and chocs afterwards......

Ael.....why do you assume the problem would have been me?.... ;-)

Andy is not bad, DT......♥

You reckon he'd only last one night, Flump!!!....☺
With you Gness....yup ! xx
even if you do find a dishy pc with carpentry skills you'll have to let him go eventually ...

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I know, Ael....but as long as he finished the shelves first......not that Flump thinks he'll last!.....☺
Tell us, what did you do the other night to involve the police?
Question Author
Hi, Cory....did post but not bright enough to link it here......Saturday night a gang of yobs tried to kick in my front door.....probably drunk and very lost if they made it to my house.....but the police were lovely.....☺
Sorry to hear about the yobs, thought it was you they were after!

Is it time to call in the services of MRS O?
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No....sadly and despite my best efforts I have yet to be asked to accompany a policeman to the station....or anywhere for that matter..... :-(

MrsO only gets me into more trouble!....☻
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Thank you, Shoota.....and I had to give you made me laugh....☺

That's a very sexy badge.... ;-)
Pssssst gness, don't let the cops look inside the shed.

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So Tempted.......

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