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R A F Typhoons Seen Over Swansea Today.

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mikey4444 | 13:55 Fri 20th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Two Typhoons made a high level and extremely noisy fly past up the Swansea Valley today. I hope that doesn't mean that Ruskies are on their way !


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Thanks 237...never heard of Flightradar ! Do military aircraft appear as well as commercial flights ? If so, it seems remarkably lax, security-wise !
They most certainly are/were. I don't know now. Thought they spent time at Valley also and of course RAF Akrotari during our Winter.
We have them every few days over here, might be because they build and test fly them a few miles away though :)
They are in the air so often that sometimes we don't even notice, you become immune to the noise they make unless it interferes with/drowns out a phone call or something.
How are our inquisitive ursine visitors flagged on FlightRadar24. Are they named "Bear" or No Callsign, Hostile or what? Have you managed to track one yourself on this app?
nah....Phoons are always noisy.....
If you click on them, at least one of them has flown up through Wales. A couple of them seem to be almost on top of one another. That`ll be the flying instructor in one plane with the student flying along in another. //
Once again sex rears it's ugly head LOL
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This might come in handy soon !

Its Dads Army all over again !
The French air force has been remarkably lively over us lately.
Don't offer your services as a R.O.C volunteer. You seem to have a problem in differentiating a Typhoon and a Hawk. God help the RAF !! :-)
The Germans have got a Luftwaffe base in W.Wales.(or did have for years)

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R A F Typhoons Seen Over Swansea Today.

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