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Sock Fairy

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EcclesCake | 18:34 Thu 19th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I wish to recruit a sock fairy who will come in and pair up all our socks.

It is the most mind numbingly boring, tedious, soul destroying household task I can think of.

How large households manage I really don't know.

What household task would you like to handover to a 'fairy'?


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It was that or starve!
I had a sock, rat for a while.

The first house we bought, 40 years ago was situated on the River Coquet. It was built in 3 levels, garage, first floor and top floor. I had my washing machine and tumble dryer in the garage. Over a few weeks, socks began to go missing and we eventually found out that a river rat had got into the air vent at the back of the dryer and made a bed with the missing socks.

Our Labradors chased him out and we never left the garage doors open, in summer, again.

I can still see his beady eyes staring at me from the vent.
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Please don't plant that seed in my mind to explain why there are so many odd socks floating around :-(
Sock are the larval form of coat hangers
......and the imago form is biros. Where do they all come from?
And where does the sellotape and scissors disappear to when we are all in bed!???
Before my boys left the nest Sox drove me mad, so I used to firmly flip the tops together before washing and found that worked well,but never remembered which belonged to who ( except for OH s bigger ones. I'd like a duvet fairy please if anyone can find one
Hoovering and duvet cover

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Sock Fairy

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