I see you're a devotee of the AOG school of question asking. Your headline asks a different question to the main body so your thread will probably end up in disarray as people 'debate' each subtely different point.
So, 'Is this the right thing to do?' For him, yes, it's his personal choice.
'Is he a hero?' That one hangs in the balance until we see what feats he accomplishes.
colour story - it brings colour into an otherwise drab outline.
I would like to know the background - when his own criminal case is being heard in London etc...
He has broken the law on the facts given - the only army you are allowed to join up to under English law is .... the British Army.
Didja hear Hague on the radio this am
'well said he we are not usually allowed to discuss details on radio of secret surveillance ....
and the radio man said 'yeah its so secret '
instead of " why not ? when it fails as it has with the three girls why shouldnt we ask questions /"