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Employement Seekers Allowance

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sandyRoe | 09:59 Wed 25th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
If someone who was a resident in care had a change of circumstances and moved into a psychiatric hospital does another fresh claim have to be made?


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probably. if they are still in a psychiatric hospital how can they be seeking work though?
By internet ?
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He's in no state to be looking for work, nor will he ever be again. I think this Employment seekers allowance covers what used to be 'dole' and also sickness benefit now.
Is this in the UK or NI I think there are diffrences
Going off my friends case when he was in hospital, they can stop his benefits if the Authorities are not informed (but who does?)
Are informed.
NI is UK.
ESA is employment support allowance, JSA is job seekers allowance. You can't get both. In fact i don't think you can get either if you reside in a psych hospital
The hospital is obliged to inform the dwp / benefits agency once someone has been in hospital for 4 weeks so that benefits can be stopped.

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Employement Seekers Allowance

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