Thanks Jackdaw and horseshoes.
I did go to a grammar school but they (Lib-Lab pact) turned it into a Comprehensive school*. To anyone casting a too-casual eye over my CV, it looks like I was sent down. Grrrreat. :-/
So I never got to learn what transitive/intransitive meant, nor any other finer points of language. I've looked it up on Wikipedia but I'm too absent-minded to retain information for long, if I don't get a chance to put it to practical use, like telling somone else. That's the trouble with the internet; because it is all on tap the tendency is to not bother committing information to memory because you can always look again later. That and the flood of stuff we're expected to know, these days.
* about ten years away from its 500th anniversary, too. Gee, thanks Lib-Lab pact.