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Love's Labour's Won.....

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gness | 00:04 Thu 05th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
...or Much Ado....another fantastic live offering from Stratford by the RSC.

I laughed til I cried....and was thrilled by the acting and the whole production ....the set...the was just stunning.
What a brilliant director Christopher Luscombe is.....

I do urge you to see these Live Streams at your local cinema.....Gx

p.s. I'm a bit in love with Edward Bennett......♥


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Some Antony Sher news here gness.

I thought he was a great Falstaff, stole the show!
I saw "Twelfth Night" many years ago at Stratford, lovely little theatre. I used to live about 8 miles from there.
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He just holds the stage doesn't he can't take your eyes off him.....King Lear will be fantastic...

Twelfth Night is lovely, Caran.....I saw it and Macbeth at Stamford open air....Macbeth was in a thunder storm...couldn't have been better!
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If you're still around, Maydup...what did you see tonight?

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Love's Labour's Won.....

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