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Did Anyone Else Know That Thatcher Had An Armoured Bus?

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sandyRoe | 10:30 Tue 10th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I never saw her in it when she was in office. I suppose being so unpopular that she had to ride in an armoured vehicle wasn't the message her spin doctors wanted to get out.


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I don't suppose it was advertised as "armoured'. Lots of public figures have armoured vehicles but they look like regular ones from the outside.
she only used it on her infrequent visits to Scotland. she got the idea for it during the miners strike !!!!!!!!!!!
I first read,
Did Anyone Else Know That Thatcher Had An Armoured Bust? & thought to myself she obviously must have had her Bras specially made.
After Cyril Smith ( MP and paedophile )
I thought you were gonna ask a more interestinng question:

did anyone else know that Thatcher was aware of the abuse at Kincora and did nothing about it for state reasons ?

.... armoured bicycle ? no I didnt know she had one of those
a thing of terror, whiskeryron answer the question, no, but I suppose it's not surprising. There was always the risk that she would be overwhelmed by her adoring public.

I don't think I ever saw a bus like that one, though, so it wouldn't exactly have blended in on the high street.
The inability of this vehicle to negotiate narrow roads and streets around the country led to her famous 'the lady's not for turning' quote.
Even Pope John Paul II used an armoured vehicle when he visited the UK - the popemobile.
It says more about the citizens of the UK than the people who feel the need to use this level of protection.
Can't really blame Pope JP after an attempted assassination.
THEY SAY that once her protectors has prevented the Good Lady from shopping at marx and sparks, ( coz it was too dangerous, see ) she lost contact with the er rank and file and then lost it in government....

I prefer that she lost it in the third administration because she appointed and promoted a load of handsome yes-men....
There was an attempted assassination on Mrs Thatcher, too
Pope John Paul 11 actually had 3 specially built armoured pope mobiles made for him at tax payers expense. Two were based on the Range Rover and one larger vehicle based on a Fire Engine chassis. All had 4WD facility. Whilst one Range Rover drove him to a venue,say in London, the other would be driven,say to Scotland, where it would await his arrival by helicopter at the next venue.
The vatican state, probably, one of the richer states and we gave him a pope mobile to take home with him!!
^^^^^. see. it's nice to be nice. :)
// There was an attempted assassination on Mrs Thatcher, too//

this goes with the job doesnt it ?

[ My grandfather left India in 1928 because he said he was tired of being shot at. And he wasnt the then prime minister ] but then he had joined the ICS before shooting civil servants became a past-time.
The precipitating event was they missed him and killed someone else ( survivor guilt I suppose )

I cant really see many people wanting that bus in that condition, can you imagine the MPG on that!! about 3 miles to the gallon? The iron Maiden is rusted out!
It's common knowledge she had an armoured vehicle sandy. Here she is taking it for a spin..

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