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Canary42 | 22:52 Tue 10th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
.... it's 346,391 days since the Battle of Hastings ?

(Thanks Baldric for the link elsewhere which allowed me to calculate this)



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Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
If they saw Hastings nowadays, they wouldn't bother fighting over it. "You can have it"...
Was that him that counted them out and counted them in again
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Sorry to hear that janbee, I was considering a visit there shortly, having experienced the delights of nearby Lewes on a recent day out.

It looked all right on Google Street View.
Lewes is gorgeous. A lovely historic old town. Hastings OLD town, is still ok and maybe worth a visit. If you go Canary, have fun. xx Watch out for low flying arrows.
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I'll keep an eye open !
Some of Foyle's War was shot in and around Hastings.
The Battle of Hastings was actually fought in Battle a village nearby!
Neti should know, she was there ;-)
Was she cheering on the right side ?
they don't call me Battleaxe for nuffink!

Actually lived near there so I know the area!
Aye I recall a TV programme that investigated where it was actually held. I think they found a crossroads or road junction was quite near. Nor sure what the programme was called though.
did they take into account the switchover from Julian to Gregorian calendar? Otherwise they may be a couple of weeks out.
The only way to check that would be to calculate from 14th October 1066 to 2nd September 1752, then from 14th September 1752 to date and add the two together.
I've only got 10 fingers, Jackdaw.
I have eight fingers and two thumbs...
Actually jno, I've just done a test run by entering 1/9/1752 - 16/9/1752 and it comes up with 5 days so the calendar change has been factored in, also the fact that centenary years not divisible by 400 are not leap years.
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Jno: Yes it does factor in the change and it also tells you which of the two dates that you put in fall in which calendar.

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