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Anyone Have Any Concerns About Today Being A Friday 13Th

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sandyRoe | 09:52 Fri 13th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
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doris wants to know why i'm hiding under the bed
13:45 Fri 13th Mar 2015
Not a lot of point having concerns, it's my flipping birthday. :)
We know!...and I expect you to dance with my greeting......☺
Not really, I could fall of a roof, or a ladder any day.
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I don't know, it's just two days before the Ides of March. It might be an unhappy conjunction that bodes ill.
Only when crossing the road, sandy.
i wrapped myself in bubble wrap especially
Happy Birthday, Ferlew...:-)
I love Friday 13th
I gave birth on Fri 13th once
the date holds no fears for me ... unless gness decides to visit leicestershire

Given that yesterday was Thursday 12th I'm rather relieved ...
Such a lovely day....friends from Oadby called.....asked if I fancied a trip around Leicestershire in their new car.....think I'll take them up on their invitation........☺
doris wants to know why i'm hiding under the bed
Not really...but I'll be glad when it's over without any weird incidences...
Love 13

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Anyone Have Any Concerns About Today Being A Friday 13Th

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