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Size Of Daily Mail

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Milosevic | 10:59 Mon 16th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Am I imagining it or does the Daily Mail seem smaller today...not in amount of pages but actual size??!


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I have just compared todays with other days Mails and dimensionally they are the same as well as page content.
11:06 Mon 16th Mar 2015
I have just compared todays with other days Mails and dimensionally they are the same as well as page content.
Mine is no different either. Good morning Retro x
The Daily Mail has been printed to the correct size? Wow! A bit of accuracy from the DM at last!
Very good morning to you Margo.Enjoy your lazy day yesterday?
It is not the size that matters but the quality. :-)
Indeed I did thank you Retro, nice not to have to cook for a change. Very good Sunday lunch a our local hostelry! By the way I did reply to your very kind offer of the phone, don't know whether you saw it?
Yes I did Margo. We had 3 Galaxy Ace plus phones.Sure one was white.Mrs retro and I had one and a friend at memsahib's hospital gave her old one.She has squirreled them away somewhere I will ask her tonight,out of interest,where they are.xx
Question Author I was just imagining it then ! Thanks all.

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Size Of Daily Mail

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