Well, solid, there's a lot to solve here isn't there! (Quite apart from your typing). Let's start with your first: 'usa hs bombed over 40 coutires an used the a bomb 2 times'. The atom bomb was dropped on Japan twice to bring about the end of World War 2. It was preceded by a long Pacific campaign during which the Allies had managed to turn the initial tide of attcks which went the way of the Japanese and were closing in on Japan. As they didn't want a long drawn-out landing campaign which would involve probably millions of lives lost on both sides, it was decided to use the nuclear bomb as a threat instead. Millions of leaflets were dropped on the target cities days before the bombs were dropped, saying 'We are going to bomb you unless your leaders surrender. Tell them to surrender. Get out of the city. There will be a terrible bomb.' They didn't surrender, the bomb was dropped, they didn't surrender, another bomb was dropped, they surrendered. End of war. The fact that the USA and the USSR both had nuclear missiles was the single reason why the Cold War never became a 'hot' one, at least not globally. Although the USA had always been fairly isolationist (which is why they are always referred to as being 'late' for the wars) they decided that it was necessary to get countries surrounding the USSR to be on their side, to try to stem the expansion of the 'communist' empire, which was rapidly becoming not only a threat to global stability, but to many people who were living in the countries taken over and who were actually shot or starved or stuck in forced labour camps (sound familiar? - Hitler, Saddam, Pol Pot). That is why wars sprang up around the fringes of the Soviet empire, eg the Korean war. That is why there was bombing in lots of countries. Another example is the US bombing as part of the campaign to bring peace to the Balkans. It is not a 100% stable area now, I grant you, but it is an improvement to the civil war of ten years ago.