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Cakes & Puddings

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johnthefish7 | 20:51 Tue 17th Mar 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
1. You may need Usain Bolt to catch them (11, 3)
2. Seen in Bridlington on St George's Day (8)
3. Two Egyptian icons (7, 8)
4. Don't undercook this one! (8, 4)
5. Manoeuvring your car without note leads it (7 or 6)



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If Parkin is right (parking minus the note G) I don't see where the 'leads it' fits in
21:11 Tue 17th Mar 2015
4 Bakewell tart
1. Gingerbread Men
coconut pyramid? Not sure about the coconut though
Maybe pyramid is the first word
Is there a Mummies something?
5 is 7 OR 6?
5 Parkin
If Parkin is right (parking minus the note G) I don't see where the 'leads it' fits in
5 poss. "of" omitted - leads to it ?
2 festival cake....theres a big festival in bridlington ?????
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Thank you so much everyone for helping me out again!

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Cakes & Puddings

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